It’s been a year since most businesses were pushed into operating remotely. Though your company and employees may be well adjusted to being managed off-site, it’s the perfect time to assess if there’s room for improvement.
1. Automate Internal Processes
It is crucial to ensure that internal processes remain efficient and future-proof. This includes re-evaluating the time it should take to handle repetitive tasks, enter data, distribute materials, send approvals, and review payroll.
With the right ERP solution, businesses can centralize data, improve scalability, increase data accuracy, and reduce processing times through automation. There are many types of ERP systems (such as Epicor, Acumatica, and Spire), so it’s essential to speak to a consultant to learn which industry-specific application meets your company’s objectives and needs.
If this is not the right time to consider building an end-to-end solution, it may be beneficial to find simple software tools instead. It’s cheaper, quicker to install, and may help your business organically evolve through to the time when a fully automated process makes more sense.
2. Protect Your Network and Data
Small and mid-sized businesses can be soft targets for cyberattacks, mainly because of their IT vulnerabilities and lack of a protection plan. If cyberattacks are successful, they can force temporary closure (affecting both revenue and reputation) or even permanently shut down if the company cannot rebound financially.
It is essential for businesses, regardless of size, to implement the proper infrastructure and software, and a Disaster Recovery Plan, including malware defence, network firewall, and data backup. This means that remote employees will need secure endpoint access to the business network, easy-to-use configuration, user identity verification, security breach detection and blocking tools. They will protect against ransomware, phishing, formjacking, and physical breaches. To learn more about how to advance your business’s cybersecurity, talk to an experienced consultant about which option best suits your needs.
An added measure against cyberattacks is to provide employees with awareness training. A lack of understanding of cyber threats can lead to cyber incidents. Training should overview password strengths, internet and social media safety, approved software, and identifying malicious emails.
3. Run Effective Virtual Meetings
Communication and collaboration have always been vital aspects of managing a business. With remote management, meetings have become essential to ensure that all involved are on the same page.
To establish continuous communication, set meetings for a particular day and time every week. Factors to be considered are how long the session should take and participant availability.
If the meeting consists of a larger group, the session may take longer than expected; if this is the case, it may be worth booking a follow-up or a lengthier time slot to include periodic breaks.
When creating a meeting agenda, focus on the desired outcomes. Outlining what needs to be accomplished by the end of the meeting rather than simply listing discussion topics will map out expectations and keep conversations to the point.